Rocky 2

Friday, November 16, 2012

New Commercial: Blue Cross/Blue Shield Michigan!

Good morning fans!

I am so excited! Well.....actually a bit exhausted and had been snoozing and sleeping in this morning! I'm dictating this blog to mommy so she can type for me.  We completed the shooting of the regional commericial for TV showing in Michigan yesterday for Blue Cross/ Blue Shield!  I was so happy to represent a company that my mom actually sells for.  We got up early yesterday morning and mommy packed my whole kit of tools I need for my acting craft.  They included a huge satchel which she holds under her arm filled with  balls, bully sticks, a blanket for me to rest on, a "cooling outfit" should it get too hot to cool me off  between takes, plenty of water ,a cup for water, loads of treats and a special huge stuffed toy about twice as big  as me so I can play with it to get me all excited and make me smile on cue!

She did not feed me breakfast (darn it! ) but this is part of the price of being a dog actor!  She actually gave me a tiny treat as she also didn't want me to get car sick. We drove to Pasadena and entered a special lot for the "crew area only". They had a nice catering truck and as it was early in the morning, mommy gathered up a cup of strong coffee,  I played with the guard, she had a bit of breakfast and then we were  transported by a special private shuttle to the set location.

It was at an adorable craftsman home in Pasadena on a wide tree lined street and looked like we were back east in the country. We entered our large trailer and were joined by the production manager and production people who were scurrying around with walky talkies and making it all happen behind the scenes.
My call time to arrive was 10:00am but mommy made sure we were much earlier than that. I excitedly played with the pretty production manager whom mommy actually knows and got myself into a crazed happy state.  I began happily panting and they all began shooting vidos of me on their respective I-phones, until mommy put a halt to the craziness  and demanded I get some rest! She is a real "buzz-kill" sometimes! They were all laughing at me as I  get a huge smile like the cheshire cat in Alice In Wonderland or the "joker" of Batman fame!  She wrapped me in my blanket and got me to calm down on a nice leather sofa to get some "shut-eye" so I could be ready for the commercial and being on the real set.
About 11am the little boy arrived that was to be in my scene.  He was only 4 years old and adorable. I tried to approach him but he was a bit afraid of me at first. Mommy soothed him and assured him I was "friendly"  and played with small kids all the time.  We later spoke to the dad and he said his child actually owns a Standard Poodle and one other larger I thought...why be scared of me I'm 1/4 their size!  We became friends and he wanted to continually give me treats. Again, mommy put a halt to that! Yikes!
Our scene was in a gorgeous old craftsman home where we were in the kitchen with the mom in the scene and then we scampered into the living room on cue and ran out and played. Then, the took the cameras to the mom talking  about the need for health insurance and reviewing  the Blue Cross/ Blue Shield plans!
I nailed it on one take but they seemed to want me to continually do this. They had the boy follow me out,  show me the treats and "reward me" off camera. Mommy actually was in the living room and quietly cued me to run out to the cameras. There was alot of commotion and about 4 or 5 cameras, many crew people.  loads of cables and cords mommy was trying not to trip over  as the living room was small and filled with the crew. Also, between takes, the kitchen was being swarmed with the make up people to powder the noses of the mom and cute boy.  Hey, what am I .....chopped liver!  Mommy had the brilliant idea of putting me in a red bandana and everyone loved it.
Also,  off the set, the clients were watching the filming and laughed hysterically as they saw me cock my head to the side whenever mommy placed me in the kitchen, left and was in another room. I was saying"hey, where did she go and my expression had a big funny question mark on my face".  They thought I was hysterical and adorable and ate it up!  I"m so happy it went well and the crew, the gals off set and the production team and director really appreciated my cooperation and applauded mommy's great concentration and ability to get me to perform properly and not waste their time.  It was officially declared a "wrap"  and I was able to schmooze with the pretty women in the living room and fool around with them. They all took many unofficial personal photos and videos of me and really had a great time with me. Mommy looked exhausted so she took me out and at 1:30PM she had a great lunch which included a delcious salmon dish, loads of beautiful salads and green beans.  I was under the table trying to steal scraps but she pulled me towards her and just gave me my own dog treats!  I ran to the pasta bar whenever anyone dropped food on the grass...I was there to clean it up! She wasn't too happy about that. Also, being under the table I almost accidentally pulled a card table chair and it was about to fall right on my head when a camera man came to my rescue and hurried and got it away from me!
Well, that ended that! Mommy quickly scooped me up and demanded I sit on her lap and be still.  It began to rain a bit very slightly at the end, but we were protected under a canopy. Mommy thanked the production manager, director and clients and we signed our "time cards" and prepared to head back home.
I'm truly loving this show biz career and mommy had a blast doing it too. We make a great team and I love her very much! Even though she is a bit strict sometimes....she  is the best mommy in the world and takes my interests to heart and makes sure I'm under her excellent wing!  We would love to work with the Blue Cross/ Blue Shield team again.  They are very professional and it worked like a well greased engine!

Until later!

Rocky the Angel Therapy Dog!

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