Rocky 2

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Catching up!

Good evening everyone!

Sorry I have been remiss in writing, but Mommy has kept me busy and my head is spinning like a top! She got me this adorable Halloween outfit which is Dracula in a black cape, red bow tie and tux! It is perfect except my fat French Bull Dog neck is too wide so we're going to add some white velcro to it and move the bowtie! I look like Count Dracula and she will add some dark eye brows! So, let the festivities begin. She started by running to the store and getting candies for the kids and decorations. We're probably going to entertain at the Boys and Girls Club for a Halloween party. Then, there is my HOllywood Paws agency party, probably go to the dementia clinic in my costume and maybe one or two other parties! So, I'm being spread thin.

Today we approached another store to carry my adorable French Bull Dog Greeting cards of "moi"!! We've already gotten 3 major businesses to carry them on consignment. When we went to the HOllywood Paws party tonight, one of the agents there loved them and bought a few on the spot. We're also going to soon carry them on I reminded mommy to create a Rocky bank account and make sure that is all "my money" not hers!!!Another friend of mommy's is kind and bringing them to the old aged home of her 93 year old mother in law as the people there love dogs and may buy some on Sunday! Boy, she is creating a big enterprise! My agent Gerri Chape is creating some other opportunities for me so my career is taking off. I have to remain forever humble, however and remember that above all else I report to "God" and he wants me to be of service to others first and then create abundance so I may be a source of overflow to give to others. I'm also helping mommy retire from her "day jobs" and feel the joy of working with me full time! So, life is good and now I must sleep. It is 10:30PM and she is exhausted from swimming all morning in an Olympic pool and taking me down town to my dog party with my agent. We had a blast and will report in once I have come home in a couple days and let you all know how the Ronald MacDonald HOme for children with cancer visit works out! Signing off for now.....xoxo Rocky the angel therapy dog!

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